Calvary Cemetery Guidelines
Calvary Cemetery issues these guidelines with the intention of keeping the cemetery a place of beauty and order. Therefore, please take care of what is done at a gravesite. Keep in mind that flowers must be watered regularly, especially hanging plants. Deflated balloons, tattered flags, dead flowers, etc. do not honor those buried at Calvary.
- Suitable flowers may be planted in a cultivated bed after Mothers Day. Real or artificial flowers may be placed in a suitable container (not glass) in front or back of a monument or marker after Mothers Day.
- All flowers must be removed by October 1st.
- Christmas wreaths and decorations may not be placed on graves prior to Thanksgiving Day and must be removed by April 1st. Those not removed will be discarded by Calvary Cemetery personnel.
- The planting of shrubs or trees is prohibited.
- Calvary Cemetery is not responsible for the upkeep of flowers, etc.
- Calvary Cemetery reserves the right to remove unkempt or questionable grave decorations without notification.
- The Sexton will answer any inquires regarding what is suitable or questionable. In addition, all questions regarding monuments, markers, etc. can be answered by the Sexton.
- No decorations are allowed at the Mausoleum.