Mausoleum Chapel:
- Established a unisex handicap friendly restroom in the Mausoleum Chapel
- Converted the other restroom into a janitorial supply room
- Painted Mausoleum Chapel
- Replaced the entrance doors, east doors and the ceiling in the Mausoleum
- Installed door between the Mausoleum Chapel and Mausoleum
- Replaced damaged cross outside the Mausoleum Chapel
Haider Chapel:
- Tuck pointed the Haider Chapel
- Replaced the rain gutters and downspouts, and painted the exterior trim
- Placed a plaque honoring Father Haider at the entrance
- Repaired a portion of the floor in the Chapel that collapsed
Other Projects Completed:
- Rebuilt the garden outside the maintenance office – built by a volunteer
- Painted office and attached restroom
- Replaced furniture in office – donated by Wells Fargo
- Wall sized cemetery map including water lines in the office – donated by Sonntag Plumbing
- Constructed a new locked information sign at the office – Constructed by Volunteers
- Resurfaced two cemetery roads
- Flagpole and lighting installed outside the office – donated by Veterans
- Meters installed to measure water usage – Required by the city
- Repaired the water line and reestablished the water supply to the west end of the cemetery
- New computer software and hardware installed to locate all the occupants of the cemetery
- Reconstructed 8th street driveway entrance
- Replaced 3 damaged storm sewers
- Installed markers identifying sections – installed by volunteers
- Continue to remove dying trees, and replant as necessary
- Lighting improvements around the outside of the chapel and Mausoleum
- Improved berm around the office building

- Replace two of the three wooden crosses outside the Mausoleum
- Asphalt roads as needed
- Improve the interior of the Haider Chapel
- Lift, repair and straighten Monuments and Markers
- Level cemetery grounds